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Oval cylinders come in various styles to meet a wide variety of door applications

24 Jan Industry News
Oval cylinders come in various styles to meet a wide variety of door applications and provide security-oriented solutions that meet them. While their functions differ slightly, each style offers aesthetic and installation-related advantages as well. Popular types include euro and mortice oval cylinders - each offering its own set of benefits.
When selecting a cylinder, it is crucial to take into account all of the types of locks installed within a building or structure. This will determine which profile of cylinder (e.g. euro, UK oval, or Scandinavian oval) to choose as well as whether it will be used for interior or exterior doors as well as locked areas such as gates, shutters, or bin stores.
Oval piston shapes allow for stronger mechanical connections between carriages and rods, increasing load capacity while simultaneously decreasing side load. Furthermore, their lower profile than circular pistons offers more space inside for air compression to increase operating efficiency as well as force output at low speeds.
Like circular pistons, oval-shaped cylinders feature an elliptical piston with reduced radial loads that do not contribute to vibrations or increase in frequency of operation cycles. Their design helps them have their center of gravity closer to their shaft for less vibrational instability; and with reduced axial loads can improve performance, increase cycles per operation cycle duration, and extend the lifespan of these devices.
Additionally, an oval cylinder's elliptical piston helps reduce the number of moving parts, which increases reliability and service life while simultaneously decreasing downtime and maintenance costs through reduced risk of leaks, failures, or damages.
To facilitate selection, a comparison chart is available that highlights key features of each type of cylinder, as well as size, function, and design differences between models. It serves as an invaluable resource when searching for the optimal solution for an application.
Oval thumb turn cylinders feature a thumb turn mechanism on one side for effortless locking and unlocking without the need for keys - an especially useful feature in residential settings where easy access is essential, such as home offices or studies.
Gunmetal oval cylinder that fits most commercial locks. Comes equipped with cams to facilitate setup or operation, and is compatible with most locking systems.